What Does Your Dream Land Look Like?

How would your dream home—or even bigger, your dream homeland—look like?

You may have remembered the post I wrote about my imaginary mansion. Here’s the post if you haven’t seen it.

But you know, I were to describe my dream land…well, for starters, it would include my own dog sled team, and I can zoom underneath the Northern Lights. It would also be cool if instead of a mansion, I would live in a tree house like the tree houses Tiger Lily and her people have in Kara Swanson’s Heirs of Neverland books. Maybe add a zipline, too?

Okay, you might be thinking, how can I simultaneously live in a snowy land and what might be a jungle? Hey, one can dream, right? *grin*

Anyway, check out this poem by Kaley Kriesel about a fairy tale castle.

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